Thursday, October 9, 2008

Future DJ

Now that K. has discovered "No" and "Yeah" (his two favorite words for the past month or so), he is enjoying the power that comes with these words -- particularly the former.  To wit: he loves being able to make choices, whether it is breakfast options or bedtime reading. 

The kick he seems to be on as of late pertains to music.  Within a matter of seconds, he makes his case known about the songs we either sing to him or play him on the radio, or in the car. And I've also found that he is definitely not arbitrarily saying NO.  Rather, he has specific opinions about certain songs (that remain the same over a period of a couple of days).  

So, I thought it would be interesting to note his favorites, and non-favorites, right now.  Maybe in a few months these will change.  I am really amused by the random-ness of it all.

Non-Favorites ("NO NO NO!")
Itsy Bitsy Spider
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Baa Baa Black Sheep
Oh, Shenandoah
Take Me Out to the Ball Game
La La La (by The Bird and the Bee; unfortunately one of Mom's favorite songs at the moment)
Sing a Song of Sixpence

Favorites ("Yeah, yeah!")
Little Eyes (by Yo La Tengo)
Home on the Range (sung by Mom)
I'm a Little Teapot (first sung at our JW Tumbles class today - a huge hit!!)
A song Dad made up about chewing our food so we don't choke

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About Me

Arlington, VA, United States
Maestro and mom to a wee virtuoso

I'm #1804