Monday, September 21, 2009


If you're like me, you probably have a much longer "Honeydo" list than a "Honey, thank you!" one. But this past weekend, my dear spouse was so impressingly productive, I thought I should relay to you, dear readers, exactly how thankful I am.

(NOTE: I should add that all good marriage counselors will tell you that the positive feedback is oh-so-important to keeping a marriage happy and healthy. So feel free to follow my lead in your respective households if you like, kind friends ...)

So, back to the Honeythankyou's. In the course of one day - an abnormally chore-filled Sunday - my husband, J., proceeded to do the following:

Replaced a panel of siding that fell off our house during a recent thunderstorm

Fixed one of our bathroom cabinet doors that had been unhinged for WEEKS

Replaced a leaky wax seal and phlange (what the heck are those??) on one of our toilets

Mowed the lawn

Reseeded some dead grass patches in our front lawn

Got 25% of the way through the unenviable task of cleaning our horrendously messy garage
and... the piece de resistance...

Replaced a leaky wax seal and phlange - sic? - (what the heck are those things?) on one of our toilets

Unclogged another toilet*

So, even though he never reads this blog and therefore won't know about this public praise until I tell him... Honey, here's to you for all you do!


*Those of you who know me well that I will do anything -- that's right, ANYTHING -- to get out of doing this most dastardly of deeds. (Remind my college housemates to tell you the story of The Great Toilet Plunging of 1996 when you get a moment.) And looky here, I didn't even have to barter anything to get DH to do it for me this time! I will admit I did let him regale me with the grotesque story of how he got it unclogged. Let's put it this way... it involved a "snaking device". (I'm dry heaving as I type this.)

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About Me

Arlington, VA, United States
Maestro and mom to a wee virtuoso

I'm #1804