Thursday, January 15, 2009

My Injured Little Monkey

K. has really taken to the song, "Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed."  (For those of you who use YouTube for desperate tot-entertaining like I shamelessly do, here's a great version of the song for future use.)

Anyway, as I learned today, he's really internalized the verse.  This proved all too true this morning, when he (ouch) ran into the corner of my bedside table with his forehead and promptly burst into tears.  

I rushed to comfort him, knowing how badly that must've hurt, and doing my quick Mom-calculations to determine the seriousness of the bump.

Then, amid tears, he said (very quickly and emphatically): "MonkeybumpedheadMamacalldoctor!"

The humor of the moment may not translate well, in writing, but trust me.  As they say: you had to be there.  It was hilarious!

1 comment:

CDB said...

Oh, that is just adorable. We love that song, too!

About Me

Arlington, VA, United States
Maestro and mom to a wee virtuoso

I'm #1804